Photo Album

Student sharing at front of 6th grade
Kindergarten works on wants and needs
First grade works in their journal
2nd grade puts stickers on their maps
1st grade works in their journals
Kinder works on their wants and needs
Kinder works on wants and needs
3rd grade talks about currency
8th grade works on their brand
2nd grade makes a plan
8th grade works on their brand
4th grade in junior achievement
Goods and services in 3rd grade
4th grade learns about traits
7th grade plays a game
7th grade plays a game
8th grade works on their brand
8th grade works on their brand
7th grade plays a money game
1st grade shares a sticker
3rd grade working on packet
4th grade starts junior achievement
6th grade works on products
3rd grade works on packets
3rd grade works on their junior achievement packet
1st grade shares about themselves
Junior achievement in 8th grade
Designing money in 2nd grade
5th grade makes a product
Kindergarten learns about wants and needs
6th grade in junior achievement
4th grade junior achievement